Friday, March 28, 2008



Anonymous said...

Hi Beth,
Love your Blog and catching up on what transpires in the Great North (specifically in Duluth). Just what I needed to take my mind off tornado damage and learn what Alex is learning, how Beeswax is running the house and that Lucky still waits for treats.

Love the haircut on Alex; they do look like twins or Kevin and Mini-Me Kevin. It is a shame you could not ski more with the Boys but this way you got to enjoy the accomplished skier rather than the sometimes frustrated skier.

I'll look forward to a daily read of all you experience and thanks for sharing as it means a lot to distant Gramps.
All our love,


Beth Up North said...

Hi FEMA Guy,
Great to hear from you! What a fun new way to stay connected. This is exactly why I took on this adventure. I did not know my secret had been leaked, so your post was a delightful surprise. I will endeavor to keep up a worthy blog. We have such crazy fun, and it is even better when shared. Glad you like the new hair cut, it is hard for a mama to see the long locks go. We should plan a time to see the Grandson in person soon.
Take care and lots of love,