Wednesday, March 10, 2010

I Am Woman - Hear Me Ramble

This is it, time to split my blogs.

It occurred to me while I was running through the damp and fog today, that I generally do two kinds of post on my current blog.  I post about my family-my son-and autism, and I post about ME.  I feel guilty about posting about me much of the time, because if people want to read about Alex, the fam, or Autism, then I am a minor player.  But I am often driven to post about me, since it is the thing I know most about, and sometimes least.  I have been with me from the beginning, as far as I can tell, and there is much to say.  Plus blogging about myself  is more a meditative enterprise than anything, and I do not wish to inflict that on the general public.  And sometimes I wish to go PG-13, and that feels weird where I talk about my son so much.  

Thus, this new blog is born.  I hope to be whitty and amusing, insightful and occasionally teach-y, reminiscent and go-girl-power. Also I am sort of on the back side of a mid-life crisis, so I feel more comfortable talking about that here.  Just returned from a fabulous experience in Jamaica, so am feeling all empowered.  That's it for the explanations, as far as I understand them myself.  I am having delusions of adequacy as a writer, so bear with me and feel free to comment.

1 comment:

Asirek said...

It is no delusion, my dear, your writing is impeccable.