Monday, September 20, 2010

Holy Cow- 60 Miles is a Long Way

One month ago I was at the start of a grand adventure.  60 miles of walking in 3 days.  60 Miles!  It was an incredible.  First off, I have to thank all the people who donated to the cause.  Breast Cancer is an awful, terrible, horrible illness, and it is on the rise.  The whole point of this walk is to save lives.  Period.  "Because everyone deserves a lifetime" is the official motto, and that is so true.  The money raised goes in two directions, breast cancer research and breast cancer awareness.  We raised a ton of cash, and that rocks.   We also raised awareness, and inspiration, which are not measurable but key to the whole deal.  Women power is an awesome thing!  Each woman participating was required to raise over $2,000, and there were well over 2,000 of us.  There were a few men walking too, and boy did they have fun.  They were celebrities.  I think the coolest thing about the whole event was the attitudes of each and every person.  Personal differences were put on hold, the every day grind was forgotten, there was no competition to look good or be the best, no judgment, we were one. And the focus was intense.  One foot in front of the other, and give everyone else all the support you can.  The positive vibe kept us walking on air.  And it was all personal determination, because there was no external pressure to finish.  There were sweep vans cruising the course constantly to help anyone out who was in trouble, and no shame in finishing early.  Because of that we all pushed harder.  Complaints were the exception, not the rule.  And the volunteers and supporters ROCKED.  There were many sad stories, of course, but it wasn't a bummer of an event.  Everyone was remembered and held up, no one was forgotten.

So, what was it like?  Well, let's start with my team.  First there was Jen.  Jen was my college roommate, in my wedding, and my son's god mother.  She lost her mom to breast cancer 15 years ago, and she has done this event every year.  60 miles, seven years in a row.  Amazingly inspiring.  Next there was Sue.  She is friends with Jen, has lost several dear ones to cancer, and is determined to walk as long as there is no true cure.  She started the year after Jen, but then did two walks in one summer a few years back so also had seven walks under her belt.  How could I not do well with such a power house team??  As for me, Jen inspired me to join the team, as well as all the women in my life who are survivors, and those I have known who didn't make it. All together, the walkers and the inspiring, we went together.  Our team also had two crew members who put in countless hours preparing and fund raising, as well as tireless event support over four days.  Pamela was a walker, then was diagnosed herself just before her wedding last year.  She is currently in treatment and I have no idea how she has so much energy.  Holly is a fantastic supporter who has crewed every year that Jen has walked.  There is also a strong support network in the Cities of friends, family, and spouses, who helped fund raise, trained with us, brought food, were drivers for the weekend, and did countless things to help make it all happen.  Thank you all!
Sue, myself, and Jen, all geared up and ready to go.

Holly and Pamela, with their Pedi-Cure Cab.  Prepared to cruise the course and picking up anyone needing a lift.

We were ready.  We had each trained over 250 miles over the summer, we had our gear dialed, we were well hydrated and supplied.  The Pedi-cure van had it's snacks, water for any riders, and the perfect attitude.   And then we started walking!

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