Friday, June 3, 2011

Locked In

If you know any Autistic kids You Must Watch This

Wow, this is it in a nutshell.  I cannot help but think of Alex first when I see this.  Granted, this girl has a much larger challenge than Alex, but challenge is challenge.  It is profoundly hopeful, and also sad.  "Never give up.", they say.  That is much easier said than done.

My heart is cut to ribbons every day with my little guy.  Every day.  Cut to ribbons with fears for the future and the past.  Fears that it will not turn out all right.  Fears that I did things very wrong in the past that can never be undone.  Fear of the darkness that gathers at the edge of consciousness and doing.  Fear that we are not doing things right, right now, and will lose our way in the future.  When I see behaviors that are outside of the norm, I fear he will never be truly accepted.   Or, more accurately, that since he IS accepted now and has many wonderful people in his life, both little and big, perhaps that will vanish in the future.  The fears gather, and multiply, and prowl just outside of my consciousness.

And then I hug my Alex.  Or he gives me a kiss.  Or I pick him up and give him a big snuggle.  Or he shows me something, anything.  Or I look at his picture, or artwork, or think of his brave little self.  Any of a hundred things that happen every day, and my heart is healed.  Cut by fears, healed by love.  Love shining out of him, and through me too.  Love of others who hold him dear in their hearts as well. 

It is a rough road, having a kid with a disability.  Rough indeed.  But the rewards are great too.  Amazing.  More than one would ever expect, until you know a brave little soul like Alex.   Or even one quite different.  Fighting a different battle, having different challenges.  All of the brave kids.  Some of them still locked in.  Locked into their challenges, into behaviors that mystify, into worlds only they know.  "Never give up.", it is difficult indeed, but this girl, Carly, is showing us another way to follow that most difficult path.   And the rewards are clearly great.


Anna said...

amazing story and beautiful post Beth. It brought tears to my eyes.

mamer said...

Lovely. I've seen this before and I ws amazed.
One of those great big people in Alex's life and I were looking at him and chatting today it school. We were totally having that "he is SO gonna be okay" conversation. Why? Because of you and Kevin. Those of us who are lucky enough to know your family are continually amazed at all you do for him, and how lucky he is to have you. You have been such an inspiration to me as we struggle with Rowan's challenges. Alex is so loved at school..and we aren't going anywhere! Keep on keepin on, lady, you're doing great!

Asirek said...

Beautifully written, Beth. And, yes, Alex is growing and learning everyday because of the love you and Kevin have for him. He is the luckiest kid in the world to have you and Kevin as parents, and man oh man, you are the luckiest parents in the world to get Alex as a kid! Never give up. Truly. May PEACE be yours!